Friday, September 25, 2009

Cleaned up!

Well, the claims adjustor came this morning and then I called Modernistic to come and clean my basement & laundry room.  What a crazy time!  I really only looked at the bright side of homeownership and didn't consider these 'emergency' situations.  Ugh!  Not fun!  The good news is the basement is cleaned up and I'm going to add some paint (Kilz etc.) down there so it will be a more useable space.  It'll be nice to have storage down there and eventually finish the basement to be a nice family room! 

I realize this isn't the most exciting blog tonight, but I'll try to spice things up tomorrow.  Goodnight!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Home ownership - sewer!

The last two days I've been dealing with sewer/water problems resulting in a couple waterfalls in my basement! Today the city came out and unplugged whatever in the street, but it wasn't fixed SO they had to dig up my driveway! They found tree roots plugging the pipes, some that were "city" pipes, some that are mine = homeowners responsibility. Thankfully they snaked the pipes that are considered my responsibility to buy me some more time. I truly appreciate that! A LOT!

What an overwhelming day! I'm headed to bed, hope to have a MUCH better day tomorrow!